Shanghai Yichem, we proudly serve our global customers by providing the highest quality and personalized products. We serve customers by rigorous supply chain control system, each step in place is to ensure product quality even premium’s quality, we get very good reputation by the rigorous system. Now we are continuing to perfect the system to produce and supply better quality product and make more professional service.

In short, Yichem does quality priority and professional service.


Concern for customer personalized quality requirements is the driving force behind Yichem’s quality control program.

We developed a rigorous supply chain control system that guarantees full traceability of our products. Dedicated teams in each of our production facilities manage the daily quality control activities, working in advanced laboratories and in collaboration with qualified external laboratories.


In Chinese, Yichem means the warm and fragrant morning; green leaf symbolizes natural and healthy! We have earned trust by the brand; even some customers require us to paste the logo on packaging as the symbol of quality, we are very proud of the brand!


Until 2022 Shanghai Yichem has been in the sector for more than ten years. From foundation the company only has few cooperation partners, nowdays Yichem already build good and reliable cooperation relationship with customers from closed to 30 countries.


Your quality, our priority, we adhere to the philosophy from company foundation. Yichem only offers quality products; when you select Yichem as cooperation partner, you are selecting quality and trust. We profoundly realize our existence depends on your success, we will still work with you as a team.
